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March 7, 2024

Nigerian Actor Femi Brainard Shares Story Of Fame And Financial Struggles In America

Femi Brainard, the actor famous for his roles in Yoruba films, moved to the United States with his family. He recently shared his story on the Teju Babyface podcast, revealing the challenges he faced as an immigrant.
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According to Pulse Nigeria, Despite his fame back home, Femi had to take on low- paying jobs like driving a taxi to support his family in America. He mentioned how surprised Nigerian passengers would be to see him behind the wheel, struggling to believe that he was the same star they knew from the movies.
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Femi explained that in America, his celebrity status didn' t matter. He felt invisible and had to work hard just to make ends meet. There were times when he couldn' t even afford basic necessities, which was especially tough because he had convinced his wife to move with him to the US against her wishes.
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He recalled a moment when he broke down in tears in the apartment parking lot, feeling guilty for bringing his wife into such difficult circumstances. Despite his fame in Nigeria, he found himself just another struggling immigrant in America.
Femi shared a particularly poignant encounter with a couple at the airport who recognized him. The husband was shocked to see him working as a cab driver and couldn' t understand why he was in that position. Femi expressed his frustration, admitting that despite the challenges in Nigeria, he would rather be a respected figure there than feel like a nobody in the US.
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